Happiness means different things to different people, but no matter the definition – we all strive for it. We are told our whole lives that if we work hard and reach our goals there will be happiness waiting for us. What if you don’t want to wait? Why should you have to wait? By embracing the nine principles below, you can welcome happiness into your life starting today!

  1. Know What Happiness Means

Happiness means a lot of different things. If your aim is to be happier, then you need to think about what happiness means to you. What makes you happy? What type of life would you find fulfilling? Only you can answer questions like these.

  1. You Can Only Change Yourself

There are a lot of things under your control, but the thoughts and actions of others aren’t one of them. When you commit to the pursuit of happiness, you can’t force others to come along with you. It is hard enough to change your own thoughts, habits, and actions, so don’t waste energy trying to change others.

  1. Love and Accept Yourself

Don’t be too hard on yourself. The world will be plenty hard on you so don’t waste time dumping on yourself as well. Accept the things you have to change as a natural growing process. Love and foster the things you like about yourself.

  1. Practice Gratitude

Even when people don’t realize it, you often have plenty to be happy about already. You won’t be truly happy until you appreciate what you have. Make gratitude a practice. Spend some time each day thinking (or even better, writing) about what you are grateful for.

  1. Live in The Present

Way too often people get stuck regretting the past or fretting about the future. We waste so much time living in another age, that we forget all about the present. Appreciate the world around you. Take it in. Make time to just be.

  1. Embrace Change

I know it isn’t as simple as flipping a switch, but you need to be more accepting of change. To live and to grow is to change, so if you can’t roll with it, you will struggle to be happy. Change is scary, but try and turn that fearful energy into excitement. The excitement of fresh starts and new opportunities.

  1. Spend Time Doing Things You Enjoy

This is the proverbial no-brainer. If you want to be happier, it makes sense spending time doing things that you enjoy. Get back into that old hobby. Join a class or a group. Spend more time at your favorite places.

  1. Make Other People Happy

Do you know what always cheers me up? Helping someone else feel happier. You know that feeling when someone’s eyes light up after you surprise them with a thoughtful gift? That would make anyone feel happy. Spend some time each day trying to make others happy, and you will see how it rubs off on you.

  1. Surround Yourself With Positive People

You can’t control how other people act, but you can control how much time you spend with them. If your goal is to be happier, then it makes a lot of sense to spend your time with people who make you happy. This isn’t always possible, but the more you focus on spending time with positive people in your life, the better.

Take Action Now With These Three Action Steps

  1. Take some time to really think about what would make you happy. Write down what your ideal day would be like. This isn’t some fantasy adventure, just focus on a normal day in your life.
  2. Is there anything about yourself that you’d like to change? Think about any changes you’d like to make that would make you happier in general. Make a list of things you’d like to change, but balance each thought out with something about yourself that you love.
  3. What and who makes you happy? Brainstorm a list of activities and people that make you happy. Commit more of your time doing these things and seeing these people.